Arbor Day

On Sunday, April 25th, 2021 we celebrate Arbor Day
Over a million trees were planted in Nebraska on the first Arbor Day. But where does that special day come from? In 1872, the American politician Julius Sterling Morton asked the government of Nebraska for the “Arbor Day Resolution”. Since then, trees have been planted in the United States at the end of April.
In 1951, Arbor Day was also introduced by the United Nations. A year later, Prof. Dr. Theodor Heuss planted a maple tree in Bonn’s Hofgarten and thus laid the foundation for Arbor Day in Germany.
Arbor Day is intended to remind of the importance of forests and trees for people and the economy. But why are trees so important?
Especially now in times of Corona, many people have started walking and hiking in nature. That’s a good thing, because so-called “forest bathing” is good for your body and soul. But trees do not only do a great job for the human mind: Trees produce plenty of oxygen, which is essential for humans. Trees also store carbon, which in excess is bad for people and the environment. Trees act as dust catchers for bacteria, fungal spores and fine dust, which is an important aspect, especially in cities. Trees also provide shade, minimize noise, humidify air protect certain species. Wow!
Items made of wood are also durable, beautiful and more environmentally friendly than their plastic counterparts. For this reason triangle is increasingly relying on wood products. After all, wood is sustainable because trees can be replanted at any time.
We have already planted a tree in the garden of Momo, who is responsible for sales in our company. There is now a beautiful ginko tree in front of his house. Take part and plant a tree!

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